La ricerca ha trovato 2 risultati

da mcindy
dom nov 02, 2014 2:29 pm
Forum: CINEMA 4D
Argomento: Shader Effector shader shows clones where they should not be
Risposte: 2
Visite : 3931

Re: Shader Effector shader shows clones where they should no

Hi, It's a little hard to tell without seeing your setup, but in general it should work if you enable the Visibility option in the effector (do not use any trasformation): Schermata 2014-11-02 alle 12.55.39.jpg Ps.: Please use the attachment form to attach file and images (see the button "Invi...
da mcindy
dom nov 02, 2014 12:43 pm
Forum: CINEMA 4D
Argomento: Shader Effector shader shows clones where they should not be
Risposte: 2
Visite : 3931

Shader Effector shader shows clones where they should not be

Hi forum, I have the following problem: For a customer I need to produce a flat world map, made out of small cubes which form the continents. These cubes should than fly in and form the world map. My solution was to generate a mograph grid out of 150x120 cube clones and than use a shader effector wi...