Easy Net plugin!

Easy Net plugin!

19 November 2012


EasyNet is a Cinema 4D plugin developed in order to help user to create net or grid with the automatic sweeping of splines generated by the software.

Thanks to EasyNet the final result will be absolutely realistic and you don't have to use material and texture with alpha channel anymore to build 3D net object.

The plugin works with all editions of Cinema 4D R13/14 (Prime, Broadcast, Visualize, Studio) and with all cinema 4D compatible engine renderers (V-Ray etc).

The procedure to create net is very easy and based on 3 steps:

1) Mark the corners of your net by clicking on the ground object with Point on surface tool. For each click the plugin will create a null support object.

2) Select all null objects just created and call the Build Spline Support tool in order to create the spline cage support. You can choose the dimensions of the cage and the details of the net design pattern.

3) Select all the splines created in the step before and call one of the three Make Cage tools in order to build your final net.

You can choose between one of the following net types Horizontal net pattern Vertical net pattern Hexagonal Honeycomb net pattern.

Each net can be drawn with all spline types: Linear, Cubic, B-Spline, Akima, Bezier. Thanks to its versatilty EasyNet can be used together with Mograph or Cinema 4D standard cloner or just with your homemade design pattern.

EasyNet is available on C4Dzone shop at the price of 15.00 + VAT

Developed by Matteo Porchedda from C4Dzone staff.
