Measure It doesn't appear in C4D 2023

Forum for: Questions about C4Dzone plugins. Post here questions or technical support.

Moderatori: Arkimed, natas, visualtricks, cappellaiomatto

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Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: lun feb 10, 2014 4:19 pm

Measure It doesn't appear in C4D 2023

Messaggio da mdkdesign »

I have upgraded to C4D 2023 and the Measure It plugin does not appear. I have followed the instructions: Start CINEMA4D with ADMINISTRATOR PRIVILEGES (only for Windows hit right mouse button onto Cinema4d.exe and
start as administrator), go to C4D EXTENSIONS MENU > TOOLS than hit RELOAD PYTHON PLUGIN."

But the plugin activation window does not open.

I have tried installing the plugin in the plugins folder under Cinema installation and also in the preferences plugins folder with identical result.

Thank you.
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Messaggi: 1576
Iscritto il: lun mag 07, 2012 5:12 pm

Re: Measure It doesn't appear in C4D 2023

Messaggio da cappellaiomatto »

Open the extension menu -> console -> python and send me a screenshot of it to my email

matteo @
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