C4D R23 some C4Dzone plugins do not appear

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Iscritto il: sab apr 13, 2019 8:09 pm

C4D R23 some C4Dzone plugins do not appear

Messaggio da mdfmuse »

Hello. I see you have updated your plugins for C4D R23- thank you!

Only some of my purchased plugins show up in 'Extensions' (Plugins) area of C4D R23- EasyHedge and GrassPainter2 displayed after installation. The following plugins show up after running C4D's 'Reload Python Plugins' command (Extensions > Tools): InteriorBuilder, PersianaGen, PlaceObject, and QuadCaps. I am able to generate codes and activate these plugins.

But my other C4Dzone plugins do not show up in 'Extensions', and do not show up after running 'Reload Python Plugins'. I have also looked at the Console output- but none of these plugins are mentioned there. These are the missing plugins: FloorGenerator, FrameGenerator, PowerSelector.

I double-checked that I installed the correct version of each of these missing plugins, and confirmed the plugins do appear in the 'plugins' directory within C4D R23.

What do I need to do in order to activate and display these 3 plugins?
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Iscritto il: lun mag 07, 2012 5:12 pm

Re: C4D R23 some C4Dzone plugins do not appear

Messaggio da cappellaiomatto »

Floor generator, frame generator, power selector have got different activation method.

If you go to our shop you can see black plugins (which I developed) and violet plugins developed from our colleague.

I forward your request to him.
Please stay tune he will reply to you as soon as possible

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Messaggi: 72
Iscritto il: mar set 27, 2011 4:48 pm

Re: C4D R23 some C4Dzone plugins do not appear

Messaggio da Caleidos4D »

Hi mdfmuse.
Your FloorGenerator, FrameGenerator, PowerSelector are licensed to run on R21
It is normal that on R23 they do not appear.

Contact me by email, and I will send you the licenses to make them work on R23 (caleidos@c4dzone.com)
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Iscritto il: ven ott 02, 2020 8:32 am

Re: C4D R23 some C4Dzone plugins do not appear

Messaggio da eddyst »

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Iscritto il: dom gen 03, 2016 8:53 am

Re: C4D R23 some C4Dzone plugins do not appear

Messaggio da gochris »

Easy Hedge does not appear in my the Standard Layout of my Cinema 4D R23.

I have a copy of Easy Hedge that worked in C4D R19.

I just got Cinema 4d R23. I followed C4D's instructions about plug ins:
In Cinema 4D, I accessed the Edit>Preferences>Plugin
and I put Easy Hedge in a folder in the plugin tree
and the plug in search path reads C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D 23\Easy Hedge

I rebooted and a Plugin menu does not appear at the top of the C4D Standard Layout

I wrote C4D Zone.com about it, and here was the reply:


I have been using Easy Hedge for a long time now.

Does it work with C4D R23? If so, what do I do to get it to work? My R23 is not recognizing Easy

Thank you,

And here is the reply

Hello Chris. If you want to install Easy Hedge on R23 you need to download it again and follow the instructions pdf.
You will be able to use on r23 without problem.


So I got to the Easy Hedge page here at C4D Zone and there is no button to download the plugin.

Does Alex mean I have to purchase Easy Hedge again? And then download it?

I do not understand. I like the software enough to purchase it again if I have to, but I wanted to make sure I had to.

Thanks for any help.
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Iscritto il: ven set 17, 2004 5:34 pm
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Re: C4D R23 some C4Dzone plugins do not appear

Messaggio da masterzone »

Hi Chirs, you got mail from me. Anyway you finished your activation keys so you need to purchase it gain :)
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