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Scale a group of objects proportionally?

Inviato: gio mar 02, 2023 7:13 pm
da MelodyJane
I have a chair with it's parts grouped under a null, and I cannot find a way to get a reading the total scale of the group. I'd like to scale it proportionally, or at least know how large it is. I could use a workaround by putting it inside a cube or something, but that's a complicated and time consuming way to have to do it for how often it would be useful. Does anyone know if it's possible to scale a group of objects proportionally, or at least get a reading of it's total size? Thank you!

Re: Scale a group of objects proportionally?

Inviato: ven mar 03, 2023 9:02 am
da visualtricks
Hi, unless you did the scaling in Object mode (not the default Model mode)
Screenshot 2023-03-03 085519.png
Screenshot 2023-03-03 085519.png (37.67 KiB) Visto 4320 volte
, you can't see the scaling value of a group. You can, on the other hand, see the total size of a group via the coordinates panel, just change the reference value from Scale to Size+
Screenshot 2023-03-03 085819.png
Screenshot 2023-03-03 085819.png (18.63 KiB) Visto 4320 volte

Re: Scale a group of objects proportionally?

Inviato: ven mar 03, 2023 1:36 pm
da MelodyJane
This is such a useful bit of knowledge! Thank you so much, visualtricks! :) I never even knew that could be changed!