Mesh screen material/model - need help

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Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: lun dic 09, 2024 4:25 pm

Mesh screen material/model - need help

Messaggio da nathan1998 »

So i'm trying to put a mesh screen on the front side of this antenna. I've done this by adding a material with transparancy to create the illusion of the mesh grid being there. But the material doesn't bend with the object as it should. Anyone have an idea why? or how i can solve this with maybe tweaking the material somehow?

I also tried to model this mesh screen but i honestly wouldn't know how to do this..
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-12-09 om 13.56.54.png
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-12-09 om 13.56.54.png (296.33 KiB) Visto 1479 volte
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-12-09 om 13.56.40.png
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-12-09 om 13.56.25.png
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-12-09 om 13.55.44.png
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Iscritto il: gio set 23, 2004 5:13 pm
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Re: Mesh screen material/model - need help

Messaggio da visualtricks »

Hi, if you're using UVW Mapping for projection you should check if the UV coordinates are properly unwrapped, from the screenshots it looks more like a flat o frontal projection, so maybe the UV coordinates are messed up or not there at all.
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Iscritto il: ven set 17, 2004 5:34 pm
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Re: Mesh screen material/model - need help

Messaggio da masterzone »

If you need to simulate a projector you can try to project a texture with a light:

I don't know if you are looking for this kind of results...otherwise you must follow Visualtricks tips
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