Interior Builder Plugin

Interior Builder Plugin

20 December 2013

Interior Builder is a Cinema 4D R13/14/15 plugin that helps user to create many kinds of furniture with a few clicks.

Thanks to its design and flexibility it's ideal for interior designer.
It is designed to use accurate measures like a CAD software.

The plugin is composed of two sets of objects and a bake command.

The first set is the main object kit and it's composed of all elements of a typical piece of furniture: layout, door, drawer, shelf, divisor, leg.

The second set is composed of two parametric splines already available on Cinema 4D but with a restricted set of functions.

These splines are Rounded Rectangle spline and L Object spline, they were rewritten from scratch to be used internally by the plugin or just for nurbs modelling.

The principle of use is very easy:
- put on the scene the main plugin object: Interior Builder object
- set its parameters according to your furniture measures
- put on its hierarchy all elements that composed your furniture: drawers, shelves, doors, legs, divisors etc etc.
- each single element can be customizable according to your needs in order to obtain many kinds of furniture
- in order to avoid the UVW relax of a complex model like the models produced by the plugin, when you finish to compose it, bake it to obtain a splitted parametric object simpler to texture

Features in Interior Builder:
-Set the size of the furniture

- select between 3 layouts: Lateral border inside, Lateral border outside, L Object
- Each border can be customizable thanks to many properties (fillet, radius, enabled, etc etc)
- Back panel customizable
- Turn left or right L object
- Triangle shape for object
- Each L object corner is customizable with different fillet and radius
- Customize and place doors
- Customize and place drawers
- Engraving, hole and glass for doors and drawers
- Customize legs
- Customize shelves
- Customize divisors
- New rounded rectangle parametric spline with separate fillet for each corner
- L Object parametric spline with separate fillet for each corner
If you need more information watch the video in order to understand the power of Interior Builder plugin

Cinema4D and system requirements:
-Cinema4D Version 13/14/15
-OSX Snow Leopard or greater
-Windows 7 32/64 bit or greater

Interior Builder is available at our plugin section store at price of 35,00 euro + VAT

The plugin is developed by Matteo Porchedda from C4Dzone Staff.
