1 Million Video Views for Maxon

1 Million Video Views for Maxon

27 February 2010

Maxon announced that videos on its channel on the popular online video site YouTube have now been viewed more than 1,000,000 times. Hosting a wide variety of content, the 'MaxonC4D' channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxonC4D) includes quick tips, tutorials, mind-blowing visual effects, and inspiring short movies relating to MAXON's award-winning CINEMA 4D software.

The YouTube channel is not alone in the quest to share information about all things MAXON in new and exciting ways. MAXON's popular twitter service (http://twitter.com/maxon3d) is 500 tweets old with over 2,600 followers and counting, while MAXON's handy "quick tip" video podcasts (http://maxonpodcast.de/podcasts/podcast.xml) have been downloaded over 200,000 times.
