Vertex Map Animator 3.0 upgrade

Vertex Map Animator 3.0 upgrade

23 January 2015

We have just updated the Vertex Map Animator and make a video tutorial to make tear effect with cloth module.

This new release include a new vertex map proximity controller and a new vertex map inverter tag

Enjoy your vision

Upgrade to release 3.0 note:
1) Download from your order detail the new zip package (do not take care about release number, you will always obtain the latest version when click download)
2) Unzip the package and overwrite the old folder

If you have got trouble after the upgrade you need to delete a temporary file present in Cinema called symbolcache

To locate and delete it

Open Cinema
Menu Edit -> Preference
Click on button "open preferences folder"
Within the sub folder "prefs" you will find it

The update is free for all previous customers
