Flip It 1.0
€ 2,00
Flip It is a Cinema 4D plugin developed in order to flip poly object automatically over one of the three axis XYZ.
The procedure to flip object is very simple: Select the poly object you want to flip, call the FlipIt command and choose from the small dialog that appears which axis has to be flipped. Once you choose the axis the plugin will create automatically a flipped copy of original object with all normals correctly aligned.
FlipIt will create also automatically the phong tag and it will copy all UVW Tags, Material Tags and Selection Tags if they exist .
Mirror your object could never be easier.
1) Each time you buy a plugin you have 3 activation codes available.
2) The activation code is used by plugin in order to run correctly and verify your purchase, you need to have an internet connection just for request the activation.
3) After plugin activation it can be used offline and your computer does not need an internet connection active.
4) You need to request a new activation code (That will go out of the available keys) when:
A) You change hardware parts on your computer. Or You install a new operating system or reinstall your operating system.
B) You upgrade cinema 4d to a newer major release (example: R20-R21-R22-R23)
C) Until you don't change your computer configuration (hardware and/or software) the activation code never expires and you can use the plugin as long as you want.
- FlipIt inverts only the poly vertices and move matrix. Scale and rotation matrix will be copied as is, obviously user can edit them manually.
Cinema4D and system requirements:
- Cinema4D release R13 or greater (S24 is not supported yet)
- OSX Snow Leopard or greater
- Windows 7 32/64 bit or greater