Missing Textures

Forum for: Modelling, Texturing, Animation, Composting and the whole general usage of Cinema4D.

Moderatori: Arkimed, natas, visualtricks, cappellaiomatto

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Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: mar mar 23, 2010 5:37 am

Missing Textures

Messaggio da TwoShoes »

This was asked before but no answer given...I'll try again. Is there a way to automatically linkup missing textures after merging scenes? Seems to happen regularly when I try to add a model to a different scene. I then have to go find and relink all the texture files that did not follow along...which is everyone of them! There has got to be an better way to deal with that.

Thanks much,
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Iscritto il: ven set 17, 2004 5:34 pm
Località: Verona

Re: Missing Textures

Messaggio da masterzone »

Hi TwoShoes welcome aboard!
When you copy and paste external objects from others scenes unfortunately all texture stay in its folder (TEX). you have to manually copy or move textures into TEX folder of your primary project (if there is no Tex folder, make it) if you don't do it you will recieve a cinema4D error textures :(

There is the possibilty to give a "general" path to cinema4D into preferences panel, go to Edit menu -> preferences ->textures path, and there now you can browse a path where cinema 4D will try to find missing textures.
I don't like the path textures into preference panels because if you change something on your folders name or HD name you will lost all path.

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Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: mar mar 23, 2010 5:37 am

Re: Missing Textures

Messaggio da TwoShoes »


Thanks much for the welcome!

Your explanation makes total sense...I am coming from Lightwave where things are a bit different. But it's coming along pretty well and I am really liking C4D.

Thanks again and a Big Cheer for this great site...really happy I found you guys!

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Messaggi: 10382
Iscritto il: ven set 17, 2004 5:34 pm
Località: Verona

Re: Missing Textures

Messaggio da masterzone »

Hi TS thanks, you are welcome here, put all your questions here and we'll try to help you :)
Believe me, after some times with cinema4D you will love it :)

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