Alternative to Quicktime Object VR?

Forum for: Modelling, Texturing, Animation, Composting and the whole general usage of Cinema4D.

Moderatori: Arkimed, natas, visualtricks, cappellaiomatto

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Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: gio ago 29, 2019 10:36 am

Alternative to Quicktime Object VR?

Messaggio da Smiffy »

Hi Guys,
Im fairly new to C4d and this is my first post so take it easy on me.

I am struggling to find any information to how to create VR objects using C4d and adobe suite.
I know in early versions of Cinema you could export this straight out of the program... but working in R20 this isn't the case.

Im starting to do more product visualisation stuff and want to create the same effect that 'Sketchfab' (
use when buying their models. see above link for reference of effect.

Has anyone any idea how I might be able to achieve this?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Iscritto il: ven set 17, 2004 5:34 pm
Località: Verona

Re: Alternative to Quicktime Object VR?

Messaggio da masterzone »

Hi and welcome aboard.
I think the QT object has been discontinued so I think there are some html5 shareware with this functionality.
You can give to the software the horizontal frame and the software create the code for you.
Unfortunately I don’t know any software that can do that but I think If you try google search something will pop up :-)
Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: gio ago 29, 2019 10:36 am

Re: Alternative to Quicktime Object VR?

Messaggio da Smiffy »

Hi there,
Thank you for getting in touch.
I feel like it should be something that should easy enough to do but as you say the only way seems to be online software,
mostly paid subscriptions. I will keep looking and hopefully something will pop up.

Thanks :-)
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Messaggi: 10378
Iscritto il: ven set 17, 2004 5:34 pm
Località: Verona

Re: Alternative to Quicktime Object VR?

Messaggio da masterzone »

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