Modelling issue, sweep settings

Forum for: Modelling, Texturing, Animation, Composting and the whole general usage of Cinema4D.

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Messaggi: 14
Iscritto il: gio mar 15, 2018 6:45 am

Modelling issue, sweep settings

Messaggio da AltoFlash »

Hi, i'm making a 3d version of a logo and i'm going for a round metal style.

this is the 2D logo:
logobw.png (34.75 KiB) Visto 8219 volte
my plan was to use sweeps, so i plotted lines in the middle of the original ones and created this shape using these settings:
shape.png (2.18 KiB) Visto 8219 volte
sweep settings.png
sweep settings.png (45.34 KiB) Visto 8219 volte
this result is pretty much the one i want, but it's missing the point. tried tweaking all settings and the ones which get me the pointy top mess up the rest and don't even get the point right.
sweep.png (63.72 KiB) Visto 8219 volte
any suggestions?

^^^^ save file ^^^^
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Re: Modelling issue, sweep settings

Messaggio da masterzone »

Attached you can find the file corrected...

1) reset all Sweep parameters
2) you need to adjust the tangential axis of the main object, I rotated the axis for trace correctly on the path...:)

For the bottom I think you need more points to avoid the wrong rotation of the segments...
(72.62 KiB) Scaricato 304 volte
Messaggi: 14
Iscritto il: gio mar 15, 2018 6:45 am

Re: Modelling issue, sweep settings

Messaggio da AltoFlash »

Thanks for replying, but that was one of the settings i dismissed because:

1- it messed up the bottom and i wanted to see if could achieve it without resorting to a boole
sweep comp1.png
sweep comp1.png (325.65 KiB) Visto 8259 volte
2- it makes it lose the crease i liked in the pointless version
sweep comp2.png
sweep comp2.png (349.97 KiB) Visto 8259 volte
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